By Mrs. Debbie Selengut

Rosh Chodesh Adar – 5785

What could be more appropriate in Adar than talking about FUN!

Baruch Hashem, most of us carry a lot of ‘have to’ responsibilities in life and our days are filled with things that must be done, some more pleasant than others.  Accountant, advocate, chauffeur, chef, emergency responder, event planner, fashion consultant, housekeeper, laundry specialist, life coach, negotiator, nurse, personal shopper, project manager, referee, secretary, security guard, storyteller, teacher, therapist to name just a few.

It’s a lot. And in between we need to have fun too. If we don’t make time for fun it does not happen.

Passaic, where we live, is down the road from American Dream Mall, which has become quite famous for its shopping and attractions.  In the mall, there is an attraction called Activate. From the website, here is the description: Enter the game where you become the player in the world’s first active gaming facility. Jump, climb, problem-solve and laugh, as you and your friends move between challenges. Each dynamic game room has interactive technology that reacts in real time, ensuring an adrenaline-filled adventure.

Last week, Activate celebrated Teacher appreciation week by hosting all teachers for free. The staff of our school took advantage of the generous offer and met there on Sunday night, and, oh my, we did have fun!  We competed in groups of five. We laughed and enjoyed being together in a totally different setting than in school. When I returned home, the first thing I did, because I am a teacher, was make a list of some of the things I learned from this experience.

  • Everyone is good at different things.
  • The more you do something, the better you get at doing it.
  • The more you do something you don’t like, the more you might start to like it.
  • Sometimes you need things explained to you a few times — and that’s okay.
  • It’s amazing that when you see people in a different light, you get to know them better.
  • You have the power to help bring out other people’s talents.
  • A little healthy competition can make things fun.
  • It feels so good to just have fun, no matter who wins.
  • Remember what it feels like when you don’t understand directions right away? Others feel like that sometimes too.
  • Remember what it feels like to finally master something. It was hard work.
  • It’s tough when you feel like everyone else gets it faster or is better at it than you are, but everyone works at their own pace.
  • It’s so endearing when someone is really good at something, and they can still be so kind and modest about it.


And those were just my first impressions!

In the spirit of Adar, please take a little time (I know it’s such a crazy busy month, and there is no extra time, but try!) and do something that you enjoy.

It will energize you, and give you the strength you need to go back to all of the “have to’s”

Wishing you a wonderful month,

Mrs. Debbie Selengut